Shipping policy

Products will be shipped to the address provided during the purchase process. Estimated delivery times will be indicated on the site, and is not responsible for any unforeseen delays.

Delivery will be made to the door of your home, at the main entrance on the ground floor. In no case does the carrier have the obligation to go up or down stairs or move the merchandise beyond the entrance to the building or property.

Carriers do not remove packaging after delivery unless exceptionally requested. In any case, it is advisable to keep the packaging in case of returning the product.

Any error in the address or place of delivery, in the contact telephone number, the absence of the recipient, or problem with the accessibility of the delivery address or problems of any other nature that requires a new delivery to be carried out will be subject to charging according to the actual costs of the new delivery. Only the payment of these additional costs will make the new delivery possible. You may be required to pay a fee for the processing and delivery of your order. The quantity may vary depending on the products ordered.

In the event of a strike or any other exceptional event that slows down or prevents the delivery of packages, Holae Shop will do everything possible to inform the Customer of the status of the shipment of their package, but cannot be held responsible for any delays caused. In any case, delivery within the stipulated deadlines can only take place if the Client has communicated to Holae Shop exact information about the recipient's details. In the event of an error, Holae Shop will not be responsible for the inability to deliver the Products at the required time and place. The transfer of the risks of loss and deterioration of the Products will only take place when the Customer takes physical possession of the Products. After sending the ordered Products, Holae Shop will send the Customer a shipping confirmation email. The Customer undertakes to check, at the time of delivery, the number of Products delivered and the absence of transport damage and to indicate, if applicable, on the delivery note and in the form of handwritten reservations accompanied by his signature, any anomaly. about it, with all the useful details (damaged cardboard, scratched board...). Otherwise, the Customer will be deemed to have received the Products in the quantity ordered and without transport damage.
These reservations must be confirmed by email to the following address: .

If the goods are severely damaged, the buyer should reject the package and contact customer service to arrange a new shipment.

The customer must keep the contact details provided to us up to date so that we can contact them if necessary in relation to their order or the delivery of the Products.

Holae Shop does not deliver to the following territories: Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla.